
A blend optimization tool
Optimix is an innovative blend optimisation programme that enables you to get as close as possible to the characteristics of a blend that you have defined. These characteristics can be analytical parameters, cost criteria, production volumes or quantifiable tasting notes. Once you have selected the products that can be used in your blend, taking into account volume constraints (stocks available or to be sold off), and quantitative or qualitative constraints and objectives for specific parameters (price, analytical parameter, etc.), Optimix calculates the blend that will enable you to get as close as possible to your objective. For example, in the drinks sector, if you want to find a product that was successful the previous year, create a new product or improve an existing recipe, all you have to do is list the characteristics: analysis results, tasting notes, price, minimum % of a grape variety or vintage, etc. The only constraint is that the parameters must vary linearly. You can blend as many products as you like, and define all the characteristics to which you have access, so there are no limits to your ability to calculate the best blend!
Accessible depuis n'importe quel appareil Gain de temps pour les opérateurs, fonctionnement hors ligne
Fiabilisation des calculs Traçabilité des opérations en direct
Adaptable aux ERP Complémente un process existant, excel ou autre
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