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Labox Alcoholometry


Boxettes for your alcoholometry conversions and calculations

Labox alcoholometry is a cellar assistant, for performing your daily calculations efficiently. The Boxettes of this application allow you to convert your alcohol or volume measurements at different temperatures, convert volumes to mass or vice versa, calculate barrel volumes, calculate volumes to blend to adjust alcohol content, predict your fortification volumes, and many other calculations to discover. While being independent, some Boxettes are interconnected to retain an alcohol or volume measurement for another calculation use. Example: retrieving the barrel volume calculation to convert it to 20°C. By subscribing, you will not only have access to all existing Boxettes, but also to all those that will be added, based on the needs expressed by our subscribers.

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Alcoholometric Conversion

Calculation of ABV at 20°C, conversion of volume based on temperature, calculation of pure alcohol volume or conversely calculation of volume from the volume of pure alcohol, calculation of mass from volume or vice versa






Calculation of barrel volume standing or lying at temperature, at 20°C and in Pure Alcohol


Accessible from any device Time-saving for all your daily operations


Reliability of calculations Real-time traceability of operations


Day-to-day or during an inventory thanks to automated conversions Adapt your subscription to your needs

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